Sunday, July 29, 2007

Current reading: The 4-Hour Work Week.

I'm currently reading The 4-Hour Work Week, which has the unfortunate side effect of meaning that I'm not reading anything else but Harry Potter 6. The book itself recommends a kind of colon-cleansing process of limiting your intake of information to only those things NECESSARY to your most important priorities.

I bought the book several weeks ago, and carried it with me back and forth to work as a kind of physical reminder that I needed to crack open my mind to another way to live. And there it sat on my desk, for all the world (including my boss) to see, espousing a 4-hour work week. On a time & materials contract? HA! Okay, that was bad. So I flipped it over, thinking that would be better. 6 hours later, I noticed that the back cover clearly said in large print: "Do not read this book unless you want to quit your job." *sigh* So much for not telegraphing my punches, right?

I'll be participating in a teleseminar tomorrow with the author. I'm looking forward to finding out if he's as motivational in voice as he is in print.

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